needing help with mqtt

good day all I am new here.
I am needing a bit of help with the mqtt I have done the steps of adding a password file and added the path file to the mqtt config . When I start the docker up everything starts but I am getting not authorized messages.

2025-01-29 09:28:49 chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation-1  | time="2025-01-29T07:28:49.057595953Z" level=info msg="starting ChirpStack Gateway Bridge" docs="" version=
2025-01-29 09:28:49 chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation-1  | time="2025-01-29T07:28:49.071350133Z" level=error msg="[client]   Connecting to tcp://mosquitto:1883 CONNACK was not CONN_ACCEPTED, but rather Connection Refused: Not Authorised" module=mqtt
2025-01-29 09:28:49 chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation-1  | time="2025-01-29T07:28:49.071394397Z" level=error msg="[client]   Failed to connect to a broker" module=mqtt
2025-01-29 09:28:49 chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation-1  | time="2025-01-29T07:28:49.071417955Z" level=error msg="integration/mqtt: connection error" error="not Authorized"

where else must I put my mqtt username and password to fix this not authorized error.

thanks in advance

You need to add the user/pass to your chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml

Since you are using basicstation it’s likely your chirpstack-gateway-bridge-basicstation-<your-region-prefix.>.toml.

The section is right at the top:


thanks @Liam_Philipp I came right with the mqtt.

So I have linked grafana docker to the influxdb docker. could you assist on how i connect chirpstack to influxDB?


InfluxDB is what I call an “application based integration” as opposed to a “global” integration. Global integrations can be configured in your Chirpstack.toml, but for InfluxDB you need to configure it in the UI (or gRPC API) per application. So go to the application you want to pull the data from, and go to the integrations page. Hit + under influxDB and configure the server settings there.

Then follow this guide to ensure the data is compatible:

thanks will check it out.

so I am getting strings of data from chirpstack to influxDB. trying to see how i can edit the string of data.

You need to add a codec to your device profile.