I have the Chirpstack Network Server configured as follows:
However, the network server only responds on channels 8 through 15, which is subband 2. No matter what channels I configure, it only answers to subband 2. The network server responds to other configuration changes, but not the enabled_uplink_channels setting.
What am I missing?
That is driven by your gateway configuration. It sounds like your gateway is configured for US sub-band 2.
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OK, I’ll look at the gateway, but that brings up a new question.
If the sub-band is configured somewhere else, why does the Chirpstack Gateway Bridge have the sub-band settings in it? What purpose do they serve?
See this thread, it has some good history on how that used to work and how it will work in the future:
There have been a lot of questions related to the Gateway Profiles. Although I tried my best to document it, this feature does not seem to be well communicated and therefore understood. Many questions are related to people not actually using the Gateway Profiles, but pointing to it when things do not work as expected.
To summarize: The purpose is to re-configure gateways (e.g. update the Packet Forwarder configuration and restart it in case of change). It does not affect the LoRa Server behavio…