Node data is not updated in chirpstack portal

  1. Installed Chirpstack 4.0
  2. Gateway is coming online
  3. Region is IN865
  4. Chirspstack is installed using URL: Debian / Ubuntu - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation
  5. Node is sending joining request json data with old date which is not not processed by chirpstack so it is displaying Node Last seen “Never” in the portal
  6. Following JSON sample payload sent by Node:
    “phy_payload”: {
    “mhdr”: {
    “m_type”: “JoinRequest”,
    “major”: “LoRaWANR1”
    “mic”: [
    “payload”: {
    “dev_eui”: “a84041a0d1893e1b”,
    “dev_nonce”: 59687,
    “join_eui”: “a840410000000101”
    “rx_info”: [
    “channel”: 1,
    “context”: “Fz+0rw==”,
    “crcStatus”: “CRC_OK”,
    “gatewayId”: “a84041ffff279f9c”,
    “gwTime”: “2011-12-31T18:37:06.551599+00:00”,
    “location”: {
    “altitude”: 450,
    “latitude”: 22.7,
    “longitude”: 114.24
    “metadata”: {
    “region_common_name”: “IN865”,
    “region_config_id”: “in865”
    “nsTime”: “2024-11-26T06:18:07.419779799+00:00”,
    “rssi”: -97,
    “snr”: -0.800000011920929,
    “uplinkId”: 40793
    “tx_info”: {
    “frequency”: 865402500,
    “modulation”: {
    “lora”: {
    “bandwidth”: 125000,
    “codeRate”: “CR_4_5”,
    “spreadingFactor”: 12

Please guide us to fix the above issue.