Node - Gateway - Node Messaging


We are trying to create an emergency communication system through chirpstack. We basically setup the chirpstack server using a RAK7246 gateway and 2 MKR WAN 1310 arduinos as end nodes. We cannot seem to figure out how to forward the uplink sent to the gateway back to the other end node and vice versa. Is there a way to access it at least?

If your application can receive the uplink, then you should be able to forward its content to another node as a downlink. You should be able to do that using the network server API. What sort of problem have you encountered?

How do we specifically do that? Is it through the web interface? We plan to use node red to fix the sending of downlink

I suppose you need to use the Chirpstack API SDK: API - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server.

You need to use the Network Server API to send a downlink.
Also by using this integration feature, you can register a callback in the UI to push data to someplace (using HTTP, MQTT etc).

We have tried to send downlinks using MQTT through NodeRED to the topic “application/1/device/[DEVEUI]/command/down”. Also, this was stated in the chirpstack documentation, we can’t seem to schedule downlinks. Is there a workaround for this?

So your application ID is 1? Is that correct?
Have you checked the logs of the Application Server, to see if it received that request?

The documentation mentions that the topic was changed at v3.11.0, so you might want to ensure that you are using the right topic for your version.