Not confirmed ConfirmedDataUp

Hello. I have a LORAWAN Basic Mac class A 1.03 node.
The node sends uplink frames with confirmation.
I’ve tested with a RAKWireless Gateway and it works fine.
Now I have changed to a DRAGINO DLOS-8 Gateway.
ACK only arrives sometimes. There are moments that didn’t arrive. I have asked Dragino support but they didn’t explain anything.
I have doubts about the server latency. 100ms. Perhaps not enough to a Class A node?
Chirpstack shows the ACK (UnconfirmedDataDown) in LORAWAN Frames. When is showed the UnconfirmedDataDown? When does the Gateway confirm that it enqueued the downlink or when Chirpstack sends it to the Gateway?
I can’t see any difference between acked and not acked uplinks.

I have a json log frame corresponding to the image but the forum does not allow this extension.
I paste a chunk of the log. >

“downlinkMetaData”: {
“txInfo”: {
“gatewayID”: “qEBB//8fmKQ=”,
“frequency”: 867700000,
“power”: 14,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“loRaModulationInfo”: {
“bandwidth”: 125,
“spreadingFactor”: 8,
“codeRate”: “4/5”,
“polarizationInversion”: true
“board”: 0,
“antenna”: 0,
“timing”: “DELAY”,
“delayTimingInfo”: {
“delay”: “1s”
“context”: “bZx9RA==”
“phyPayload”: {
“mhdr”: {
“mType”: “UnconfirmedDataDown”,
“major”: “LoRaWANR1”
“macPayload”: {
“fhdr”: {
“devAddr”: “0070c236”,
“fCtrl”: {
“adr”: true,
“adrAckReq”: false,
“ack”: true,
“fPending”: false,
“classB”: false
“fCnt”: 27,
“fOpts”: null
“fPort”: null,
“frmPayload”: null
“mic”: “08fc75a7”
“uplinkMetaData”: {
“rxInfo”: [
“gatewayID”: “qEBB//8fmKQ=”,
“time”: “2021-06-04T12:10:50.566647Z”,
“timeSinceGPSEpoch”: null,
“rssi”: -41,
“loRaSNR”: 10.2,
“channel”: 6,
“rfChain”: 0,
“board”: 0,
“antenna”: 0,
“location”: {
“latitude”: 0,
“longitude”: 0,
“altitude”: 0,
“source”: “UNKNOWN”,
“accuracy”: 0
“fineTimestampType”: “NONE”,
“context”: “bZx9RA==”,
“uplinkID”: “kxLS/JRjR6e55e2TmkL7+A==”,
“crcStatus”: “CRC_OK”
“txInfo”: {
“frequency”: 867700000,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“loRaModulationInfo”: {
“bandwidth”: 125,
“spreadingFactor”: 8,
“codeRate”: “4/5”,
“polarizationInversion”: false
“phyPayload”: {
“mhdr”: {
“mType”: “ConfirmedDataUp”,
“major”: “LoRaWANR1”
“macPayload”: {
“fhdr”: {
“devAddr”: “0070c236”,
“fCtrl”: {
“adr”: true,
“adrAckReq”: false,
“ack”: false,
“fPending”: false,
“classB”: false
“fCnt”: 27,
“fOpts”: null
“fPort”: 2,
“frmPayload”: [
“bytes”: “Z5/XlfkwaJaHoej26PigZD/rGSRassHXLgdezVW/ax/RjJlWdLTb9KM13RE3tQ==”
“mic”: “a64af542”
“uplinkMetaData”: {
“rxInfo”: [
“gatewayID”: “qEBB//8fmKQ=”,
“time”: “2021-06-04T12:10:10.365941Z”,
“timeSinceGPSEpoch”: null,
“rssi”: -41,
“loRaSNR”: 10.8,
“channel”: 3,
“rfChain”: 0,
“board”: 0,
“antenna”: 0,
“location”: {
“latitude”: 0,
“longitude”: 0,
“altitude”: 0,
“source”: “UNKNOWN”,
“accuracy”: 0
“fineTimestampType”: “NONE”,
“context”: “azcVZA==”,
“uplinkID”: “1rUP3kfDSqGlVPR9wQZVnw==”,
“crcStatus”: “CRC_OK”
“txInfo”: {
“frequency”: 867100000,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“loRaModulationInfo”: {
“bandwidth”: 125,
“spreadingFactor”: 8,
“codeRate”: “4/5”,
“polarizationInversion”: false
“phyPayload”: {
“mhdr”: {
“mType”: “ConfirmedDataUp”,
“major”: “LoRaWANR1”
“macPayload”: {
“fhdr”: {
“devAddr”: “0070c236”,
“fCtrl”: {
“adr”: true,
“adrAckReq”: false,
“ack”: false,
“fPending”: false,
“classB”: false
“fCnt”: 26,
“fOpts”: null
“fPort”: 2,
“frmPayload”: [
“bytes”: “4Wi9L3w15n7NXNaoIWP0WV0udU+Ohr6OCCdqgFCtTu62ctNaakvlnBppMg7IBg==”
“mic”: “8669479d”
“uplinkMetaData”: {
“rxInfo”: [
“gatewayID”: “qEBB//8fmKQ=”,
“time”: “2021-06-04T12:09:30.159622Z”,
“timeSinceGPSEpoch”: null,
“rssi”: -42,
“loRaSNR”: 11.5,
“channel”: 6,
“rfChain”: 0,
“board”: 0,
“antenna”: 0,
“location”: {
“latitude”: 0,
“longitude”: 0,
“altitude”: 0,
“source”: “UNKNOWN”,
“accuracy”: 0
“fineTimestampType”: “NONE”,
“context”: “aNGs1A==”,
“uplinkID”: “je95J4YYRymSSGHfIIDWeQ==”,
“crcStatus”: “CRC_OK”
“txInfo”: {
“frequency”: 867700000,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“loRaModulationInfo”: {
“bandwidth”: 125,
“spreadingFactor”: 8,
“codeRate”: “4/5”,
“polarizationInversion”: false
“phyPayload”: {
“mhdr”: {
“mType”: “ConfirmedDataUp”,
“major”: “LoRaWANR1”
“macPayload”: {
“fhdr”: {
“devAddr”: “0070c236”,
“fCtrl”: {
“adr”: true,
“adrAckReq”: false,
“ack”: false,
“fPending”: false,
“classB”: false
“fCnt”: 25,
“fOpts”: null
“fPort”: 2,
“frmPayload”: [
“bytes”: “eaufCIpOH/Z4fF/Bv9FSsbNcwUvWHhU3scBWiahBPgKzEVp1Cr8Mt9XorokN8Q==”
“mic”: “0aea6f16”

Solved? I have the same problem.