Postgres default password - ubuntu installation


I trying to backup database postgres, when i want to copy backup to my private folder it ask my for password , i have set everyting by default like here below , so password should be chirpstack ??

– create role for authentication
create role chirpstack with login password ‘chirpstack’;

– create database
create database chirpstack with owner chirpstack;

– change to chirpstack database
\c chirpstack

– create pg_trgm extension
create extension pg_trgm;

– exit psql

Can someone advice what could be wrong please ?

it looks like you have logged in as the postgres user.
you are trying to use sudo as the postgres user.
the postgres user is not a sudo user.
i’m guessing the postgres user has no password either.

the dump1.sql file has world readable access. you could just copy it as your normal user.

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