Problem with chirpstack timestamp

Hi everyone, lately I’m struggling with this chirpstack issue, I get a wrong date in the UplinkEvent struct, and I can’t figure out where this timestamp is actually generated once the payload is received.
In the screeshots you can see the wrong date generated in the chirsptack events dashobard, besides it’s always the same date, and the other one is the integration.pb.go file where the uplink event struct is declared. (Chirpstack is running inside docker containers and I’m using LWN simulator as LoRa network)

Maybe something like timeSinceGPSEpoch off by ~134 seconds, but why? - #3 by Narthalion is happening for you as well?

Maybe the time comes from your devices and not from chripstack.

It can’t be, chirpstack is running inside docker containers and I’m using LWN simulator

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