Problem with JoinEUI filter

I am trying to configure the JoinEUI filter for the following devEUI: “70b3d5e75e013212”. I get there with a fairly wide filter, which I try to reduce later, without success. Here is the extract from my ‘chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml’ file.

[“70b3d54a00000000”, “70b3d54a0000ffff”], #work fine for other sensor
-# [“70b3d5e75e013200”, “70b3d5e75e0132ff”] don’t work for DevEUI “70b3d5e75e013212”
-# [“70b3d5e75e010000”, “70b3d5e75e01ffff”] don’t work for DevEUI “70b3d5e75e013212”
-# [“70b3d5e75e000000”, “70b3d5e75effffff”] don’t work for DevEUI “70b3d5e75e013212” [“70b3d5e700000000”, “70b3d5e7ffffffff”] #work for DevEUI “70b3d5e75e013212”

Can someone explain to me how to reduce the filter size properly, please?

What is the JoinEUI field of the devices join request?

The join eui filter does not filter on the DevEUI field.

Thank you for answering me. I understood that joinEUI were used to filter “join request” based on device DevEUI. Apparently, I’m wrong. On what basis does it work, so please?

The Join Request has three fields: JoinEUI, DevEUI and DevNonce.
The JoinEUI Filter limits the join requests passed to the LNS based on the first field only.


Thank you very much for this answer and this link