Problems With Gateway > Live LoraWan Frames

Hello All

Once I try to access the Live LoraWan Frames I got the below error in the web interface. Also, I see this error inside lora-app-server logs.

Aug 23 19:22:44 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[39105]: time=“2018-08-23T19:22:44Z” level=info msg=“finished streaming call with code Unauthenticated” error=“rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authentication failed: jwt parse error: illegal base64 data at input byte 6” grpc.code=Unauthenticated grpc.method=StreamFrameLogs grpc.service=api.GatewayService grpc.start_time=“2018-08-23T19:22:44Z” grpc.time_ms=0.1 peer.address="[::1]:49022" span.kind=server system=grpc
Aug 23 19:22:45 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[39105]: time=“2018-08-23T19:22:45Z” level=warning msg="Deprecated Authorization header : RFC1945 format expected : Authorization: "

Anyone could help me out? I think is relatades with jwt secret and jwt token using gprc API, but I really didint figure out how to fix this issue!


About JWT, I have only set the secret code inside lora-app-server.toml

JWT secret used for api authentication / authorization
You could generate this by executing ‘openssl rand -base64 32’ for example

Should I configure anything else besides that?

First one to help me out on this receives a gift! heheheheh

Could it be related to this?

Yes, It could be a proxy problem. I have an importante question: in order to use the Lora-App Web Interface, should I configure somethin inside the API configurations or it is only necessary when I want to communicate with thid party applications?

If I need to generate this token, is there any tutorial how to Do it?


The jwt_secret is the only setting that you need to set. Note that when using a proxy, you have to be careful with websockets. Please see the link I mentioned in my previous post to solve this.

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Hello @brocaar first of all, thank you for your reply. This proxy configuration would be valid argument when I´m using equipments inside my network LAN? Because we are working on a lab environment and all the services are running running inside our lan, troughout diferente sites.

Thank you!

We can close this topic. I was something related to the browser version. Its running on chrome now.