Question about rust api and auth tokens

Hi, my first post here. Apologies in advance if this is categorized incorrectly.

I’m attempting to query Chirpstack for a list of gateways using the list function of Chirpstack_api_4.9.0. However, whenever I run it I receive 'code: Unauthenticated, message: “no authorization provided”. I assume I’m missing the auth token part in my request to Chirpstack.

I reviewed the example codes for Python, C#, and JS and see they all set the auth token in the metadata. Can someone provide me a code snippet for setting the auth token in Rust?

I’ve reviewed the simulators but they’re written in GO and couldn’t find much on google. I’ll eventually figure it out but any assistance to speed it up would be appreciated.

Probably this is what you are looking for:

That returns a mutable reference to the metadata object that you can modify.

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