Readings from Sensor

As far as I understand, I have to define how chirpstack reads the data received in the LORAWAN message.
The SenseCAP S2103 is reading consistent data locally, and that data is being sent and received correctly.

Yet when defined in Tenants / ChirpStack / Device profiles / Sensor in the “Measurement” tab I am unable to set and visualise the data that data.
Obviously I’m more interested in having that data sent via MQTT, but it’s odd that is not visualised in the dashboard

Attaching screen grab


Unfortunately pausing that video just brings up the initial thumbnail so it’s hard to get details when you’re going through that quickly.

Looks like the config is correct though, strange that they are not displaying.

How recently did you configure the measurements? Since the graphs are on the 31d possibly the first day just hasn’t come in yet? Have you checked the 24h with the same issue?

Have you updated your Chirpstack to the newest version?

Thanks for the feedback about the animated gif.

How recently did you configure the measurements? Since the graphs are on the 31d possibly the first day just hasn’t come in yet? Have you checked the 24h with the same issue?

It was that, the data is recevied now[1].
yet I’m sending data every 5 minutes [2] (for testing purposes) and is not shown in the graph. But guess is ok



Ya I believe Chirpstack averages the graphs. So if you set it to 24h graph the value for the hour will be the average of the 6 uplinks in the hour (I think).

Glad it’s working.