[release] LoRa Server v1.0 & LoRa App Server v1.0

LoRa Server v1.0.0

This marks the first stable release!

Upgrade notes

  • First make sure you have v0.26.3 installed and running (including LoRa App Server v21.1).
  • Then ugrade to v1.0.0.

See Downloads
for pre-compiled binaries or instructions how to setup the Debian / Ubuntu
repository for v1.x.


  • Code to remain backwards compatible with environment-variable based
    configuration has been removed.
  • Code to migrate node- to device-sessions has been removed.
  • Code to migrate channel-configuration to gateway-profiles has been removed.
  • Old unused tables (kept for upgrade migration code) have been removed from db.

LoRa App Server v1.0.0

This marks the first stable release!

Upgrade notes

  • First make sure you have v0.21.1 installed and running (together with LoRa Server v0.26.3).
  • As some configuration defaults have been changed (in the MQTT topic node
    has been replaced by device), make sure the old defaults are in you config
    file. To re-generate a configuration file while keeping your modifications, run:
    lora-app-server -c lora-app-server-old.toml configfile > lora-app-server.toml
  • You are now ready to upgrade to v1.0.0!

See Downloads
for pre-compiled binaries or instructions how to setup the Debian / Ubuntu
repository for v1.x.

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Many thanks indeed, but I’ve got the following status after the upgraded to v1.0

# lora-app-server --log-level 5
INFO[0000] starting LoRa App Server                      docs="https://www.loraserver.io/" version=1.0.0
INFO[0000] connecting to postgresql                     
INFO[0000] setup redis connection pool                  
INFO[0000] handler/mqtt: TLS config is empty            
INFO[0000] handler/mqtt: connecting to mqtt broker       server="tcp://localhost:1883"
INFO[0000] applying database migrations                 
INFO[0000] handler/mqtt: connected to mqtt broker       
INFO[0000] handler/mqtt: subscribing to tx topic         qos=0 topic=application/+/device/+/tx
INFO[0000] migrations applied                            count=0
INFO[0000] starting application-server api               bind="" ca-cert= tls-cert= tls-key=
INFO[0000] starting join-server api                      bind="" ca_cert= tls_cert= tls_key=
FATA[0000] tls cert and tls key must be set for the external api 

What would be the problem in my case?
There was no problem with the latest version by “apt update && apt upgrade” yesterday.

Please check your lora-app-server.toml config file :slight_smile:


I have just enabled TLS, I don’t know why it has disabled.

Thank you very much.


I have found that you also changed the MQTT topic from “application/+/node/#” to “application/+/device/#” to be aware of.

Yes, as mentioned in the changelog:

As some configuration defaults have been changed (in the MQTT topic node
has been replaced by device)

Therefore I recommend to re-generate the configuration file before upgrading so that the old defaults will be written to the configuration file. Then when installing v1.0.0 the MQTT topics stay the same.

On installing the .deb package, the installation script did prompt that self-signed certificates have been generated, but they were not set automatically in the generated lora-app-server.toml configuration file (clean install). This has been updated :slight_smile: (@SJ_Park this is probably related to your issue)

LoRa App Server v1.0.1


  • tls_cert and tls_key are set automatically (again) when installing from .deb file.
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Hello, I don’t know if it’s the right post but I noticed something with this version.
When I generated the configuration file for lora-app-server keeping my old configuration:
lora-app-server configfile --config lora-app-server-old.toml > lora-app-server-new.toml, in MQTT integration section I kept the old formalism:

uplink_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/node/{{ .DevEUI }}/rx”
downlink_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/node/{{ .DevEUI }}/tx”
join_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/node/{{ .DevEUI }}/join”
ack_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/node/{{ .DevEUI }}/ack”
error_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/node/{{ .DevEUI }}/error”

while if I execute the command to generate a new config file :
lora-app-server configfile > lora-app-server.toml

I loose my old configuration but in MQTT integration section I have got the right formalism:

uplink_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/rx”
downlink_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/tx”
join_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/join”
ack_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/ack”
error_topic_template=“application/{{ .ApplicationID }}/device/{{ .DevEUI }}/error”

Maybe just I need to replace node by device, however the behavior is quite strange because the lora-app-server works with …/node/… as path formalism

I’m using loraserver v1.0 and lora-app-server v1.0.1

I assume that my influxdb integration is ok with this configuration, I have got logs from CLI after show measurements:


Here a part of the payload with the object form (cayenne LPP codec) from my websocket integration:

thank you .

This is expected behavior.

lora-app-server configfile --config lora-app-server-old.toml > lora-app-server-new.toml

This loads lora-app-server-old.toml first, sets these variables and then generates a new configuration file. You want to use this when you want to keep the old topic naming (your config is then out-of-sync with the default values, but that is fine as you can change them at any time).

lora-app-server configfile > lora-app-server.toml

This overwrites the lora-app-server.toml file with a new config file, using the defaults provided by LoRa App Server. As for consistency .../node/... was replaces by .../device/... in the latest version, you will see this changes when creating a new config file.


My server is still LoRa Server 0.22.0 & LoRa App Server 0.14.x, can I still do upgrade to the new versions or must a reload the new version from scratch?


Please check the changelog of LoRa Server and LoRa App Server. It documents how you should perform the upgrade.


I did a upgrade of the server and lora-app-server wont start.

Keep getting the following error?

Jul 11 19:20:57 lora-srv lora-app-server[26706]: time="2018-07-11T19:20:57Z" level=fatal msg="applying migrations error: pq: operator class \"gin_trgm_ops\" does not exist for access method \"gin\" handling 0027_global_search.sql"


Found Solution at

