on sending a U-data from device to server, the corresponding device data website (image attached) and also the LoRaWAN frames website fail.
The application server shows the following warning:
Dez 10 11:47:00 XXX chirpstack-application-server[20296]:
time=“2019-12-10T11:47:00+01:00” level=warning msg=“requested number of gateways does not match returned” ctx_id="" expected=12 returned=9
The uplink was received by 12 gateways, but there are only 9 gateways known in the database It is a warning to let you know that data might be missing in your database, it doesn’t break anything.
That was the only suspicious log entry. So the question arise what else could be the problem
Thank god is JS… Same time the page gets blank an error appears on the console:
TypeError: "First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object."
u index.js:326
u index.js:142
from index.js:155
value JSONTree.js:48
React 11
value DeviceData.js:180
value DeviceStore.js:226
dispatchEvent robust-websocket.js:242
x robust-websocket.js:172
Websocket gets closed afterwards.
@brocaar Do you have any idea how the data object could be broken?
Problem is solved.
An “old” (aka loraserver) version of gateway bridge on one of the gateways causes the live log page to break. In that case the uplink id was null, maybe causing things to went wrong… @brocaar: Not sure if this is a bug or just an incompatibility of versions.