is it possible to install Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS on RPI 4B and then, install on it Chirpstack Network Server?
I ask because I want to run this code for Waveshare SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT:
and check if I can use CS with this HAT.
is it possible to install Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS on RPI 4B and then, install on it Chirpstack Network Server?
I ask because I want to run this code for Waveshare SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT:
and check if I can use CS with this HAT.
Do you need other Ubuntu functionality? Or do you only need the Pi to serve as a gateway and network server. If its the latter check out the Chirpstack OS full image.
Thank you but I cant run python code on OpenWRT OS which is GS OS based on.
So Im looking for way to install CS on Ubuntu for RPI for example…
You could probably compile this yourself. The Chirpstack Ubuntu install for the NS would be straight forward, but then actually getting the Pi to act as a gateway as well would be the difficult part. To my knowledge the only two pieces necessary for the gateway functionality is concentratord and the MQTT forwarder. If you could install both of these on top of your Ubuntu Chirpstack install you would essentially have the CS OS full image functionality on a Ubuntu OS, although I have never tried installing concentratord myself so I can’t speak to what difficulties you might face.
You can:
and install the package(s) you needThis topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.