Send Join Accept on RX2

is it possible to configure chirpstack to use RX2 with SF12 and 869.525 MHz for sending Join Accept message? Actually my chirpstack instance always sends on same datarate and frequency on RX1 window…

There are some options you can tweak:

    # RX window (Class-A).
    # Set this to:
    # 0: RX1 / RX2
    # 1: RX1 only
    # 2: RX2 only

    # RX1 delay (1 - 15 seconds).

    # RX1 data-rate offset

    # RX2 data-rate

    # RX2 frequency (Hz)

    # Prefer RX2 on RX1 data-rate less than.
    # Prefer RX2 over RX1 based on the RX1 data-rate. When the RX1 data-rate
    # is smaller than the configured value, then the Network Server will
    # first try to schedule the downlink for RX2, failing that (e.g. the gateway
    # has already a payload scheduled at the RX2 timing) it will try RX1.

    # Prefer RX2 on link budget.
    # When the link-budget is better for RX2 than for RX1, the Network Server will first
    # try to schedule the downlink in RX2, failing that it will try RX1.

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