Sending data to Node?

I am trying to configure HA to trigger on an incoming message and send a byte of info to the end node. This seems to bring up a few questions:
Are there any examples out there using docker-compose.yml and configuration on how to do this?
I envision that HA publishes a topic to the MQTT broker most likely in the form of /application/< app ID >./device/< dev eui >/event/down. Then via the above configuration the network server subscribes and magically (??? ) presents this to the gateway which in turn sends it to the node where I can parse and use.

I am assuming I do not have to include an C MQTT library in my code. I don’t quite know how to create the payload in the automation.yaml for HA. Can this be key-value pairs and do I need somewhere in this to give an FPort #?


I believe there is no such Home Assistant addon yet.
I am going to do it in some time. No promise yet.

In the meantime, you can install NodeRed on HA and push/pull your MQTT events between ChirpStack and HA.

I am not sure I understand. I created an HA automation.yaml to trigger on incoming MQTT sub and then an action to pub to MQTT…HA seems to load the yaml fine…I am thinking this works??? I am trying to understand what to do in the chirp stack toml to sub to that HA pub so it pushes it to the gateway?