Sending multiple downlinks (Class-A)

Hi there.
Help me understand the work with mqtt. I can use the MQTTfx client to receive and send data from the server. But if I publish several pieces of data to the RX topic, they are sent one at a time for each uplink connection. How to force to send all data from RХ simultaneously?

But if I publish several pieces of data to the RX topic

I think you mean the TX topic (as LoRa Server will publish the uplink / received frames to the RX topic). See also

But if I publish several pieces of data to the RX topic, they are sent one at a time for each uplink connection.

This is how LoRaWAN (Class-A) works. There is only a receive window after an uplink transmission. After that, the node is in sleep mode and unable to receive any data. Please refer to the LoRaWAN specification for more information: LoRaWAN for Developers - LoRa Alliance®.

I apologize for the mistake, of course I meant on topic TX. My question is - is it possible to get few server messages in one transmit/recieve exchange (class A device), if the server send few message to node and they are all in the topic TX? is it possible their transfer using pending bit or something like that. For now i see only way - make another transmitions until broker report “there is no message to node”. Canot find this info lorawan docs :frowning:

LoRa Server will set a FRMPending bit to indicate to the node that there is more data available. But it is up to the node (firmware) to handle this. With LoRaWAN Class-A the node must always send an uplink in order to receive a downlink. Multiple downlinks for one uplink are not possible.

Thank for help. I found the answer how to make it in “RN 2483 comand reference user guide”, page 24. Apparently I need to read manuals more carefully.

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