I want to contribute to the coverage mapping of Helium IoT Network through SenseCAP T1000 Tracker but I can’t get it to work with Chirpstack, on the Sensecap private server with Helium it works perfectly with AU915. I follow the suggestions from other forums but it continues the same (This device has not (yet) been activated). I have doubts about the frequency plan, in US915 there are sub-band options and by default it is in sub-band2.
I have no idea where the AppEUI data is entered. I hope you can give me a hand. Thanks
With the following parameters it works, what should I do so that the map understands the data?
mappers hexato io
SenseCAP T1000-A tracker device, set to “Helium”
Console: https://console.iot-wireless.com
Region: AU915 - au915_1
MAC version: LoraWAN 1.0.4
Regional parameters revision: RP002-1.0.3
ADR algorithm: Default … (LoRa only)
Class-B: No
Class-C: No
Codec: The TTN codec from here: https://github.com/TheThingsNetwork/lorawan-devices/blob/master/vendor/sensecap/sensecapt1000-tracker-ab-decoder.js
OTAA Application key: [AppKey from my device]
Device EUI: [EUI from my device]
Join EUI: [AppEUI from my device]
for mappers hexato i need to whitelist the lns atm because of where the ingest is hosted.
You also need to make slight payload codec changes so it works with all the helium and ttn mapper platforms. there is a gist on the helium discord with a link to a compatible decoder under iot-mappers if you’re on there? otherwise lmk and I’ll try get the link for you.