[Solved] On-Gateway LoRa-Gateway-Bridge Timeout Firewall Issue?


I have a problem trying to connect the lora-gateway-bridge, which is running on a raspberryp pi, with the MQTT-broker on a remote server. The loraserver and the lora-app-server are both running on the remote server and can connect to the MQTT-broker with passwords. I was following these two topic to figure out the issue:

I am getting a timeout running the bridge:

Mär 26 23:08:34 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[473]: time=“2018-03-26T23:08:34+02:00” level=error msg=“could not setup mqtt backend, retry in 2 seconds: Network Error : dial tcp xxx.xx.x.xxx:1883: i/o timeout”

The MQTT-broker remote server is listening on port 1883:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Because of the timeout I first tried to run it without the TLS with the following command.
/usr/bin/lora-gateway-bridge --mqtt-server “tcp://xxx.xx.x.xxx:1883” --mqtt-username USERNAME --mqtt-password PASSWORD --log-level 5
Is it possible that it is a firewall issue due to the timeout?

Is it listening on or on (on all interfaces), in the first case, you will only be able to connect from the same machine.


Thank you for your answer. Ok, that was one failure. After correcting that issue by binding the mosquitto to instead, the issue remains. I tried the following on the remote:

sudo netstat -plunt | grep mosquitto
TCP 0 0* LISTEN 30452/mosquitto

The server is now listening on all interfaces and scanning the open ports of the server from the gateway shows that the port is accessible.

sudo nmap -p 1883 xxx.xx.x.xxx

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-03-27 19:40 CEST
Nmap scan report for “srv.example.org” (xxx.xx.x.xxx)
Host is up (0.021s latency).
1883/tcp filtered mqtt

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.71 seconds

I still get the error from the gateway saying:

Mär 27 19:39:12 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[1092]: time=“2018-03-27T19:39:12+02:00” level=info msg=“backend: connecting to mqtt broker” server=“tcp://xxx.xx.x.xxx:1883”
Mär 27 19:39:42 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[1092]: time=“2018-03-27T19:39:42+02:00” level=error msg=“could not setup mqtt backend, retry in 2 seconds: Network Error : dial tcp xxx.xx.x.xxx:1883: i/o timeout”

Above it says, that the port is filtered could it still be the firewall? In the configuration I defined the user and the password:

Content of lora-gatway-bridge config

I entered the user in mosquitto’s password file on the server and disabled the ACL for the testing. I will add the auth_plugin later and the SSL support later.

Content of Mosquitto password_file

Maybe you have another hint. I will go over the MQTT settings again maybe I missed something.

Best regards,


To find out if it is a firewall issue, you could try telnet xxx.xx.x.xxx 1883 to find out if you can reach the MQTT broker. I assume this is a networking related issue, when It would be related to your credentials it would give a different error.


it was the firewall. I had to set the following rule to make it possible to access the MQTT broker on the server from the gateway.

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1883 -j ACCEPT

which resulted in:

Mär 28 00:06:45 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[1570]: time=“2018-03-28T00:06:45+02:00” level=info msg=“backend: connecting to mqtt broker” server=“tcp://xxx.xx.x.xxx:1883”
Mär 28 00:06:45 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[1570]: time=“2018-03-28T00:06:45+02:00” level=info msg=“gateway: starting gateway udp listener” addr=“”
Mär 28 00:06:45 IoT-Gateway-433Mhz lora-gateway-bridge[1570]: time=“2018-03-28T00:06:45+02:00” level=info msg=“backend: connected to mqtt broker

Thx for the support and sorry for bothering, because the issue was entirely unrelated to the loraserver.

So my journey can continue.

Best regards,
