Hi I am trying to implement the SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT as part of my LoRaWAN netwrok I have bought a gateway as part of the project and planning on using LoRa basics station to connect it to AWS IoT core. I am not fully sure will the waveshare product be able to connect to the gateway as I see some things online saying that wavesahare products are closed source and only suitable for closed source communication like point to point communication. I also seen anything that has a sx1262 chip should be able to be programmed to connect to the gateway so does anybody have a definitive answer for me I would appreciate it.
The problem with SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT is that they only provide code for lora not lorawan .you need to write yourself lorawan stack or use radio lib python library to communicate.What gateway are you using?
I have bought 4 SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT but only could do point to point communication(Lora).Instead i bought Pico-LoRa-SX1262-868M hats and used pico w microcontroller and communicated to gateway (sx1302).
I am using Seeed Studio WM1302 Long Range Gateway Module with the raspberry pi HAT. So with the SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT I would have to use a python library to communicate with the gateway. Thank you so much for replying and your help.
Please let me know what library you are using. i will use that too for my SX1262 XXXM LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT.Thanks