There was a problem trying to connect keilink to ChirpStack, please help

When I follow Kerlink - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation After completing the steps, the gateway did not connect to ChirpStack, and the captured gateway log looks like this:

I checked the MQTT port of the chipstack and it’s fine, but I don’t know why

Need more logs.what is the ip of mqtt forwarder and what did you put on chirpstack toml file.

After several days of trying, the problem was resolved. The reason was that MQTT’s port 1887 could not be accessed due to some reasons, so it could be changed to port 1883.
Secondly, I switched to chipstack-gateway-bridge_3.14.7 version because my ChirpStack is V3 version. After setting it correctly according to the official documentation, it can be launched normally!