I’m using RAK2287 SPI without GPS as HAT on Raspberry pi 4.
I’ve downloaded chirpstack-gateway-os SD Factory Image Full for Raspberry Pi 4B from the chirpstack website
Connected using WIFI AP and processed below steps.
- Change password → Save & Apply
- Global Configuration [ SX1302 ] → Save & Apply
- SX1302/SX1303 → Shild Model [ RAK 2287] → Channel Plan [ IN865 ] → GNSS [ UNTICK ] → USB [ UNTICK ] → Save & Apply
- Network → Wireless → Scan → Join Network [ WIFI name ] → Replace Wireless Configuration [ TICK ] → WPA Passphrase [ Password ] → Create / Assign Firewall-zone [ lan ] → Submit → Save → Save & Apply.
Found IP-Adress using router and loggen in using web interface.
- Application → Chirpstack.
- Tenants → Delete Tenants.
- Add Tenant → Name [ TENANT1 ] → Tenant can have gateways [ TICK ] → Gateways are private (uplink) [ UNTICK ] → Gateways are private (downlink) [ UNTICK ] → Max gateways [ 0 ] → Max device count [ 0 ] → Submit.
- Application → Add Application → Name [ APP ] → Submit.
- Device Profile → Add Device Profile → Name [ DEVICE-PROFILE ] → Region [ IN865 ] → Region configuration [ IN865 ] → MAC version [ LoraWan 1.0.3 ] → Regional Parameter revision [ A ] → ADR algorithm [ Default ADR algorithm (LoRa only) ] → Flush queue on activate [ TICK ] → Expected uplink interval [ 3600 ] → Device-status request frequency [ 1 ] → Submit.
- Add Device → Name [ DEVICE1 ] → Device EUI [ 36:30:38:32:69:30:72:10 ] → Device Profile [ DEVICE-PROFILE ] → Application Key [ 2B,7E,15,16,28,AE,D2,A6,AB,F7,15,88,09,CF,4F,3C ] → Submit.
- Gateway → Add Gateway → Name [ GATEWAY1 ] → Gateway ID [ 0016C001F1075349 ] → Submit.
I did updated log levels to TRACE in chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder,chirpstack-concentratord,chirpstack
Here is the output that indicates after receiving config command concentratod keeps restarting
user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wwan (phy0-sta0)
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586902: New connection from on port 1883.
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586902: New client connected from as 5886e1ae0b06f067 (p2, c0, k30).
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586902: New connection from on port 1883.
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: read /etc/hosts - 12 names
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 0 names
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586903: New connection from on port 1883.
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586903: New client connected from as mqtt-explorer-f7c2c85e (p2, c1, k60).
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Getting gateway EUI
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Gateway ID retrieved, gateway_id: "0016c001f1075349"
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Initializing JIT queue, capacity: 32
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Creating socket for publishing events, bind: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Creating socket for receiving commands, bind: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_command
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting uplink handle loop
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting JIT queue loop
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting command handler loop
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting stats loop, stats_interval: 30s
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586904: New client connected from as c825d02561e69a9b (p2, c0, k30).
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: *** has_emperor mode detected (fd: 7) ***
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-webui.ini
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-webui.ini has been spawned
daemon.info uwsgi-luci: spawned uWSGI master process (pid: 2676)
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-webui.ini is ready to accept requests
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 685638646, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 685638646, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Frame received, uplink_id: 685638646, count_us: 2500174, freq: 865062500, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF12, ftime_received: false, ftime_ns: 0
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-webui.ini is now loyal
daemon.info uwsgi-luci: [info] luci: accepted login on /admin/status/logs for root from
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: *** has_emperor mode detected (fd: 8) ***
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-cgi_io.ini
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-cgi_io.ini has been spawned
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-cgi_io.ini is ready to accept requests
daemon.err uwsgi[1253]: - [emperor] vassal /etc/uwsgi/vassals/luci-cgi_io.ini is now loyal
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Starting ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder (version: 4.1.1, docs: https://www.chirpstack.io/)
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Setting up ChirpStack Concentratord backend
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Setting up ChirpStack Concentratord backend
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connecting to Concentratord event API, event_url: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connecting to Concentratord command API, command_url: ipc:///tmp/concentratord_command
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Reading gateway id
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received gateway id, gateway_id: 0016c001f1075349
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Retrieving Gateway ID from backend
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Starting event loop
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received Gateway ID from backend, gateway_id: 0016c001f1075349
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Setting up MQTT client
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Create options: CreateOptions { copts: MQTTAsync_createOptions { struct_id: [77, 81, 67, 79], struct_version: 2, sendWhileDisconnected: 0, maxBufferedMessages: 100, MQTTVersion: 5, allowDisconnectedSendAtAnyTime: 0, deleteOldestMessages: 0, restoreMessages: 1, persistQoS0: 1 }, server_uri: "tcp://localhost:1883", client_id: "0016c001f1075349", persistence: File with Path, user_data: None }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Creating client with persistence: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: AsyncClient w/ Inner 0xb5fa42e8 and Handle: 0xb621c1c0
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connecting to MQTT broker, server: tcp://localhost:1883, clean_session: false, client_id: 0016c001f1075349, qos: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connecting. Handle: 0xb621c1c0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Updating client MQTT version: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connect options: ConnectOptions { copts: MQTTAsync_connectOptions { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 67], struct_version: 8, keepAliveInterval: 60, cleansession: 0, maxInflight: 65535, will: 0xb5f76998, username: 0x0, password: 0x0, connectTimeout: 30, retryInterval: 0, ssl: 0x0, onSuccess: Some(0x52e700), onFailure: Some(0x52e820), context: 0xb5f762a8, serverURIcount: 0, serverURIs: 0x0, MQTTVersion: 0, automaticReconnect: 1, minRetryInterval: 1, maxRetryInterval: 30, binarypwd: MQTTAsync_connectOptions__bindgen_ty_1 { len: 0, data: 0x0 }, cleanstart: 0, connectProperties: 0x0, willProperties: 0x0, onSuccess5: None, onFailure5: None, httpHeaders: 0x0, httpProxy: 0x0, httpsProxy: 0x0 }, data: ConnectOptionsData { will: Some(WillOptions { copts: MQTTAsync_willOptions { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 87], struct_version: 1, topicName: 0xb5f7b5b0, message: 0x0, retained: 1, qos: 0, payload: MQTTAsync_willOptions__bindgen_ty_1 { len: 18, data: 0xb5f76790 } }, data: MessageDat
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586972: New connection from on port 1883.
daemon.notice mosquitto[1460]: 1696586972: New client connected from as 0016c001f1075349 (p2, c0, k60).
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb5f762a8, Response: 0xb5f4dc00
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 0 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: Connect
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: Connect(ConnectResponse { server_uri: "localhost:1883", mqtt_version: 4, session_present: false }), props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Updating client MQTT version: 4
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connected! Client 0xb5fa42e8
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Invoking connected callback
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Starting MQTT consumer loop
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Connected to MQTT broker
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Subscribing to command topic, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/command/+
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Subscribe to '"in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/command/+"' @ QOS 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb5f761a8, Response: 0xb5f4dc00
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 1 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: Subscribe
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: Subscribe(0), props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Sending conn state, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/state/conn
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Publish: Message { cmsg: MQTTAsync_message { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 77], struct_version: 1, payloadlen: 20, payload: 0xb5f77730, qos: 0, retained: 1, dup: 0, msgid: 0, properties: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, data: MessageData { topic: "in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/state/conn", payload: [16, 1, 26, 16, 48, 48, 49, 54, 99, 48, 48, 49, 102, 49, 48, 55, 53, 51, 52, 57], props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } } } }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb5f762a8, Response: 0xb5f70b8c
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 0 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: None
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: None, props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 2104690443, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 2104690443, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Frame received, uplink_id: 2104690443, count_us: 11538385, freq: 865402500, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF12, ftime_received: false, ftime_ns: 0
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received uplink frame, uplink_id: 2104690443
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Sending uplink event, uplink_id: 2104690443, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/up
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Publish: Message { cmsg: MQTTAsync_message { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 77], struct_version: 1, payloadlen: 98, payload: 0xb5f79e80, qos: 0, retained: 0, dup: 0, msgid: 0, properties: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, data: MessageData { topic: "in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/up", payload: [10, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 109, 0, 0, 5, 246, 193, 60, 203, 224, 49, 77, 62, 138, 34, 18, 8, 132, 253, 211, 156, 3, 18, 10, 26, 8, 8, 200, 208, 7, 16, 12, 40, 1, 42, 51, 10, 16, 48, 48, 49, 54, 99, 48, 48, 49, 102, 49, 48, 55, 53, 51, 52, 57, 16, 139, 142, 204, 235, 7, 48, 238, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 61, 0, 0, 120, 193, 64, 1, 106, 4, 0, 176, 15, 209, 128, 1, 2], props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } } } }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb5f76228, Response: 0xb5f70b8c
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 0 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: None
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: None, props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Message sent
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS epoch, uplink_id: 1781288615, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Could not get GPS time, uplink_id: 1781288615, error: gps_ref_valid = false
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Frame received, uplink_id: 1781288615, count_us: 22575827, freq: 865985000, bw: 125000, mod: LoRa, dr: SF12, ftime_received: false, ftime_ns: 0
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received uplink frame, uplink_id: 1781288615
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Sending uplink event, uplink_id: 1781288615, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/up
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Publish: Message { cmsg: MQTTAsync_message { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 77], struct_version: 1, payloadlen: 100, payload: 0xb5f7c8b0, qos: 0, retained: 0, dup: 0, msgid: 0, properties: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, data: MessageData { topic: "in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/up", payload: [10, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 109, 0, 0, 5, 246, 193, 60, 140, 238, 34, 230, 144, 255, 34, 18, 8, 232, 195, 247, 156, 3, 18, 10, 26, 8, 8, 200, 208, 7, 16, 12, 40, 1, 42, 53, 10, 16, 48, 48, 49, 54, 99, 48, 48, 49, 102, 49, 48, 55, 53, 51, 52, 57, 16, 167, 157, 177, 209, 6, 48, 158, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 61, 0, 0, 192, 63, 64, 2, 72, 1, 106, 4, 1, 88, 122, 211, 128, 1, 2], props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } } } }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb5f762a8, Response: 0xb5f70b8c
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 0 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: None
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: None, props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Message sent
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Publishing stats event, rx_received: 3, rx_received_ok: 3, tx_received: 0, tx_emitted: 0
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received gateway stats
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Sending gateway stats event, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/stats
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Publish: Message { cmsg: MQTTAsync_message { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 77], struct_version: 1, payloadlen: 184, payload: 0xb6ce7a70, qos: 0, retained: 0, dup: 0, msgid: 0, properties: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, data: MessageData { topic: "in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/event/stats", payload: [18, 12, 8, 245, 185, 255, 168, 6, 16, 154, 191, 206, 222, 2, 40, 3, 48, 3, 82, 30, 10, 21, 99, 111, 110, 99, 101, 110, 116, 114, 97, 116, 111, 114, 100, 95, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 18, 5, 52, 46, 51, 46, 48, 82, 16, 10, 14, 99, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 95, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 82, 17, 10, 5, 109, 111, 100, 101, 108, 18, 8, 114, 97, 107, 95, 50, 50, 56, 55, 82, 30, 10, 11, 104, 97, 108, 95, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 18, 15, 86, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 58, 32, 50, 46, 49, 46, 48, 59, 106, 8, 8, 132, 253, 211, 156, 3, 16, 1, 106, 8, 8, 232, 195, 247, 156, 3, 16, 1, 106, 8, 8, 228, 156, 191, 15
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Token success! Token: 0xb64260b8, Response: 0xb5f70b8c
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Completing Token w ID 0 and code: 0
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Expecting server response for: None
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Got response: ServerResponse { rsp: None, props: Properties { cprops: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }, reason_code: Success }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Message sent
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Message arrived. Client: 0xb5fa42e8, topic: 0xb5f73350 len 45 cmsg: 0xb5f73390: MQTTAsync_message { struct_id: [77, 81, 84, 77], struct_version: 1, payloadlen: 112, payload: 0xb5f761a0, qos: 0, retained: 0, dup: 0, msgid: 0, properties: MQTTProperties { count: 0, max_count: 0, length: 0, array: 0x0 } }
user.debug chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Invoking message callback
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received message, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/command/config, qos: 0
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Received configuration command, version: b150e28b5f522992, topic: in865/gateway/0016c001f1075349/command/config
user.info chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder[2732]: Sending configuration command, version: b150e28b5f522992
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Stats loop ended
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: JIT loop ended
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Uplink loop ended
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Received stop signal, signal: Configuration
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Command loop ended
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Stopping the concentrator
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Updating concentrator configuration
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting Concentratord SX1302 (version: 4.3.0, docs: https://www.chirpstack.io/docs/chirpstack-concentratord/)
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Triggering sx1302 reset
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Setting i2c device path, path: /dev/i2c-1
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Setting up fine timestamp, enable: false
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 12, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 4
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 13, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 5
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 14, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 6
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 15, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 7
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 16, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 8
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 17, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 9
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 18, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 10
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 19, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 11
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 20, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 12
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 21, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 13
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 22, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 14
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 23, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 16
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 24, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 17
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 25, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 18
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 26, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 19
user.debug chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuration TX gain for radio, radio: 0, rf_power: 27, dig_gain: 0, pa_gain: 1, dac_gain: 0, mix_gain: 5, offset_i: 0, offset_q: 0, pwr_idx: 22
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Setting up concentrator channels
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring radio, radio: 0, enabled: true, center_freq: 865462500, type: SX1250
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring radio, radio: 1, enabled: true, center_freq: 866385000, type: SX1250
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Setting up concentrator channels
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 0, enabled: true, freq: 865062500, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -400000
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 1, enabled: true, freq: 865402500, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -60000
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 2, enabled: true, freq: 865985000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Configuring FSK channel, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2110]: Starting the concentrator
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Configuring reset pin, dev: /dev/gpiochip0, pin: 17
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Starting Concentratord SX1302 (version: 4.3.0, docs: https://www.chirpstack.io/docs/chirpstack-concentratord/)
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Triggering sx1302 reset
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Setting i2c device path, path: /dev/i2c-1
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 0
user.info chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302[2844]: Setting up fine timestamp, enable: false