Unable to completely configure RAK2247

I have installed a basic configuration of Chirpstack on a raspberry pi compute module 4. I am able to login to the webserver and set my gateway id but it always shows as never seen.

The journalctl of the chirpstack application shows the following:

I would expect this to be configured correctly but i do not have any traffic.

I have used mosquitto_sub -t “application/APPLICATION_ID/#” -v
to look for any incomming messages but there are none. I know the RAK2247 is a SPI based board and the standard packet forwarder is the Semtech UDP, should this work together? i cannot find the config files either so i’m questioning if the forwarder is even installed automatically.

ChirpStack does not install a packet-forwarder automatically. If you are looking for a ready-to-use solution, you might want to take a look at: Introduction - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation

How is the RAK2247 connected to your CM4? Could you list the hardware components that you are using?

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