UPDATE: Apologies. I see now in the system log within the web-interface that the correct pin is being set, however the footer of the web-interface still states “could not read gateway_id”. If anyone could help me troubleshoot I’d be very thankful.
I’ve been trying to get up and running with the Raspberry PI Waveshare SX1302 Gateway HAT, but I cannot seem to get connection to the gateway at all after configuring through the web interface in Chirpstack Gateway OS.
My hunch is that it may be due to the reset pin being incorrectly configured, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to overwrite this, even though the changelog mentions that this feature was added.
My Gateway HAT Model: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/SX1302_LoRaWAN_Gateway_HAT
In the documentation I linked to above it states that pin 23 is the reset pin, however when I run the chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302
binary on the raspberry pi (Gateway OS), I get the following output:
root@ChirpStack:~# chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302
2023-07-19T05:28:36.790Z INFO [libconcentratord::reset] Configuring reset pin, dev: /dev/gpiochip0, pin: 17
2023-07-19T05:28:36.791Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::cmd::root] Starting Concentratord SX1302 (version: 4.2.0-test.2, docs: https://www.chirpstack.io/concentratord/)
2023-07-19T05:28:36.791Z INFO [libconcentratord::reset] Triggering sx1302 reset
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting i2c device path, path: /dev/i2c-1
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 0
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up fine timestamp, enable: false
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 0, enabled: true, center_freq: 867500000, type: SX1250
2023-07-19T05:28:36.991Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring radio, radio: 1, enabled: true, center_freq: 868500000, type: SX1250
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Setting up concentrator channels
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 0, enabled: true, freq: 868100000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 1, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 2, enabled: true, freq: 868500000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 0
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: true, freq: 867100000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -400000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: true, freq: 867300000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -200000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: true, freq: 867500000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: true, freq: 867700000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 200000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: true, freq: 867900000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 400000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Configuring FSK channel, enabled: true, freq: 868800000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 300000
2023-07-19T05:28:36.992Z INFO [chirpstack_concentratord_sx1302::concentrator] Starting the concentrator
Opening SPI communication interface
Note: chip version is 0x00 (v0.0)
qERROR: Failed to set SX1250_0 in STANDBY_RC mode
ERROR: failed to setup radio 0
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: lgw_start failed', chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302/src/main.rs:114:80
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Note the first line where it says “Configuring reset pin, dev: /dev/gpiochip0, pin: 17”.
I’m not sure whether this relates to the problem, but any help would be greatly appreciated. This is what the config looks like in /etc/config/chirpstack-concentratord
config sx1301
option model 'imst_ic880a'
option region 'EU868'
option channel_plan 'eu868'
option gateway_id '0101010101010101'
config sx1302
option model 'waveshare_sx1302_lorawan_gateway_hat'
option region 'EU868'
option channel_plan 'eu868'
option gnss '1'
config 2g4
option model 'semtech_sx1280z3dsfgw1'
option region 'ISM2400'
option channel_plan 'ism2400'