i am unable to join a device using OTAA. I always get this error: MIC of join-request is invalid, make sure keys are correct
I was able to join the device once, then I deleted it from the console. Now when I try to join the device I get the error. One thing that seems strange to me is that i can see old events in the console every time when I recreate the device. Did I miss something when deleting devices or how is it possible to rejoin a device?
Maybe this could be useful, try to get the PhyPayload of your JoinRequest (I think you can get it from the gateway tab) use this website to input your payload, and your appKey (in the website goes in the appSkey section)
Check for the MIC there, if there’s a MIC, then you are probably your APPKey is wrong
Alternative, if that’s a custom device and you are programming the LoRaWAN protocol from scratch, then that could be the source of the error[quote=“maxno, post:1, topic:21163, full:true”]
I was able to join the device once, then I deleted it from the console. Now when I try to join the device I get the error. One thing that seems strange to me is that i can see old events in the console every time when I recreate the device. Did I miss something when deleting devices or how is it possible to rejoin a device?
I’m pretty sure that’s happening because when you delete a device you don’t delete all the data, anyway, that shouldn’t be important (I think)