Unstoppable ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first

rpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:30.804336Z INFO stats{gateway_id=fffedca632fef3b7}: chirpstack::storage::gateway: Gateway state updated gateway_id=fffedca632fef3b7
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:30.809287Z INFO stats{gateway_id=fffedca632fef3b7}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=gw:fffedca632fef3b7 aggregation=HOUR
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:30.809504Z INFO stats{gateway_id=fffedca632fef3b7}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=gw:fffedca632fef3b7 aggregation=DAY
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:30.809733Z INFO stats{gateway_id=fffedca632fef3b7}: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=gw:fffedca632fef3b7 aggregation=MONTH
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:30.984421Z ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:32.998011Z ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:35.009556Z ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:37.019794Z ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2023-11-12T07:20:39.028692Z ERROR chirpstack::downlink::scheduler: Schedule next queue-item for device failed error=Device must send its first uplink first

i dont understand which node or system are cauese that problem and how can i stop it

It means that the Class-C is trying to schedule a downlink for a device which hasn’t sent its first uplink yet. In the next release, this will no longer be logged as error :slight_smile:

so its not fixing, or stopping,

is there any thing to reset these query or command to flush?

because whenever we stop and start server, it keeps runs and show error

ChirpStack requires that the device first sends an uplink, before it starts scheduling Class-C downlinks to the device. Currently this is noisy in the logs (which as I said will be fixed in the next release). However, you would still have to wait until the device sends its first uplink, before Class-C downlinks will be scheduled.

i ant stop these errors, is there any reset to remove all errors?

or stop to trying error ?