UPLINK_MIC error after v1.1 Rejoin

Hi everyone. I’m trying to use LoRaWAN v1.1 in my device. Device firmware based on LoRaMac-node stack. Everything seems to work ok, except rejoining. LoRaMac-node stack has no rejoin support yet, so I trying to implement it myself. I’m able to send Rejoin request, receive JoinAccept message (MIC check pass), derive session keys. But at sending RekeyInd MAC command using new security context I’m getting UPLINK_MIC error in ChirpStack DEVICE DATA tab.

Is there any way to see new session keys on Chirpstack side so I can understand is my error in wrong keys derivation or in MIC calculation? As far as I understand, ACTIVATION tab contain old session keys until ChirpStack receive correct RekeyInd MAC command, so I’m unable to compare new session keys on device side and on ChirpStack side.