I noticed a strange behavior on the uplink timestamps.
I am using Chirpstack Version: v4.9.0
For Gateway I am using:
- RPI CM4 + RAK2287
- RAK7289CV2
I tested with several different end nodes.
I also tried using UDP and MQTT forwarder.
So here is the issue:
For uplink messages I see UTC time and for downlink it is GMT+4 (my region).
Server is a VM and in chirpstack logs timestamp is ok.
System time is set correctly:
Here is one frame which shows correct time in the list (21:49), however inside the decoded data it says gwtime 17:49 (not correct)
Here is another example, where even the time in the packet list is incorrect > it says 17:49, while it should be +4h
I checked time on both GWs and it is correct, f.eg:
Is there explanation for this behavior?