Using LoRa Server with an external Join-Server

I manufactured thousands of LoRaWAN devices, each one has a unique DevEUI (I own a EUI range) and all share the same AppEUI/JoinEUI 7CCBE2C000000000 (also owned by me).

The LoRa Alliance already set the DNS resolver for it at

I want to run a Join Server, to process the authentication of the devices, so I don’t need to share the AppKey of every device with my customers.

I plan to run just the lora-app-server alone for this purpose, does anyone experience on that?

Yes, this is possible.

Please see the [join_server] section in loraserver.toml. Currently only A record resolving has been implemented. Optionally, you can use key encryption keys to encrypt the keys transmitted between the JS and LoRa Server (and LoRa App Server, see [join_server.kek] in lora-app-server.toml).