Using RaspberryPI only as secondary network server

I am new to the ChirpStak world and broadly speaking to LoraWan world, so please accept my apologies for the basic question.

I have successfully managed to set up Dragino LPS8 gateway with a couple of sensors and connect it to the things stack.
I would like know to dive in something slightly more complex and installed the ChirpStack (full) on a Pi4 to use it as a network server but I got stuck and not sure what is wrong.

Essentially I think that the dragino and the PI are talking to each other as the RaspPi (IP is receiving packets from the dragino gateway (IP screenshot of the ChirpStack realtime graph here.

When I tried to set up a new device though (a simple dragino LHT65 humidity and temp sensor) I can’t get it to go live, despite I think I have done all the steps needed (created a device profile template, application and insered the devUi, keys etc…

Is there any more support on this topic other than this?

Thank you v. much

Have I asked a too basic question?

Have you installed ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder on the LPS8?
OR have you install ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on the Pi?
ChirpStack Gateway Bridge will listen to UDP/1700.

Thank you.
I have not installed the MQTT forwarder of the LPS8 as I thought that by setting up the Pi (with chirpstack full image) and putting the Pi as secondary network server on the Dragino would have been sufficient… especially as shown in the first image showed here the Pi (with Chirpstack) seems to receive some UDP package by the Dragino…

“I think that the dragino and the PI are talking to each other as the RaspPi (IP is receiving packets from the dragino gateway (IP screenshot of the ChirpStack realtime graph here”