V4 Fails to start Chirpstack

I’ve been running the latest V3 code and decided to do fresh install on V4 without invoking any migration. Its on a linux cloud server at “Linode”. V3 was rock solid for me.

For V4 I followed the steps in the Chirpstack V4 get started and everything goes well including the required changes to GW bridge and V4 chirpstack toml files for us915_1 region. I also created a new user/password and database on the postgresql server.
Mosquitto, Redis and Postgresql all appeared to be configured and working properly.

The Chirpstack server service fails to start and produces one error:

Error: expected newline, found an identifier at line 4709 column 22.

and I sure can’t figure out where/what this is. Any comments or thoughts are welcomed. Thanks

Hmmmmm Lots of views and no answers; this tells me I’m on my own with this one. I think I’m going to try and go back to my 3.x installation and make it work again then try again.

Have encountered this one. I merged the config files and rename the old files with additional “_old”.
I think chirpstack also read the files with “_old” that’s why you reached to line 4709. Try to transfer the files to other folder outside the chirpstack if you happen to merged it.

Hope that will help you.

It is a syntax error in one of the configuration files. Please note that ChirpStack merges all configuration files in the configuration directory together and parses the result as the configuration.

You could use for example https://www.toml-lint.com/ to validate your configuration files.

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried and it didn’t work although I’m pretty sure that you are correct in the logic that V4 seeks out toml files in ways that are not apparent. Finally I gave up on the upgrade and just instantiated a whole new OS on the cloud server. It was a chance to clean-up I guess. V4 is an easy install from there.
I guess I was (almost) the only one who had this upgrade problem.

Sorry I didn’t see this until too late although I studied them carefully - probably true! :slight_smile: Thanks for reply.

Nice to know that you have successfully installed it. :smiley:

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