Validate dev-nonce error: first time to try join

Hi guys,
I trying to connect a water meter device but I receive the “validate dev-nonce error”.
I’m using:

  • Network Server v3.16.1
  • Application Server v3.17.6
    I can’t reset the device, is there a way for forcing?
    Below you can see the json data


        "type": "error",

        "payload": {

            "applicationID": "7",

            "applicationName": "AQP",

            "deviceName": "02027054",

            "devEUI": "AAcJAAAe7i4=",

            "type": "OTAA",

            "error": "validate dev-nonce error",

            "fCnt": 0,

            "tags": {},

            "publishedAt": "2022-03-30T10:04:21.335599637Z"



### JoinAccept MESSAGE

        "txInfo": {

            "frequency": 865500000,

            "power": 14,

            "modulation": "LORA",

            "loRaModulationInfo": {

                "bandwidth": 125,

                "spreadingFactor": 12,

                "codeRate": "4/5",

                "polarizationInversion": true


            "board": 2,

            "antenna": 0,

            "timing": "DELAY",

            "delayTimingInfo": {

                "delay": "5s"


            "context": "r3yLTA=="


        "phyPayload": {

            "mhdr": {

                "mType": "JoinAccept",

                "major": "LoRaWANR1"


            "macPayload": {

                "bytes": "Xo0V1jZzfvTq6QvR68Izm9ayecVzgu1Dmh+Yaw=="


            "mic": "09b1de46"


### JoinRequest MESSAGE

        "rxInfo": [


                "gatewayID": "cnb/AC4IBCo=",

                "time": null,

                "timeSinceGPSEpoch": "1332669878.894s",

                "rssi": -91,

                "loRaSNR": 13,

                "channel": 7,

                "rfChain": 0,

                "board": 23,

                "antenna": 0,

                "location": {

                    "latitude": 1.635135650634766,

                    "longitude": 1.036319732666016,

                    "altitude": 387,

                    "source": "UNKNOWN",

                    "accuracy": 0


                "fineTimestampType": "ENCRYPTED",

                "encryptedFineTimestamp": {

                    "aesKeyIndex": 0,

                    "encryptedNS": "LkHmhmusaEm1dpe73WrHmQ==",

                    "fpgaID": null


                "context": "r3yLRA==",

                "uplinkID": "+/aUoWUrRFOciTqXsp3cbA==",

                "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"



        "txInfo": {

            "frequency": 868500000,

            "modulation": "LORA",

            "loRaModulationInfo": {

                "bandwidth": 125,

                "spreadingFactor": 12,

                "codeRate": "4/5",

                "polarizationInversion": false



        "phyPayload": {

            "mhdr": {

                "mType": "JoinRequest",

                "major": "LoRaWANR1"


            "macPayload": {

                "joinEUI": "0000000000000709",

                "devEUI": "00070900001eee2e",

                "devNonce": 49924


            "mic": "cb81501a"



Hi, were you able to fix it?

I have a device that is sending thousands of join request with the same error as your device.
I also deleted the device_activation entries in the network server db ( . still the problem exists.

The device is a professional metering device - cannot change anything of the code of the device…

Would be great if you could share your solution - hope there was…
