Validation error: FPort must be between 1 - 255

I have a Chirpstack 4.10.1 server running on Azure, when I want to send a downlink through an analysisys, I get the error {“code”:3, “message”:“Validation error: FPort must be between 1 - 255”, " details":}
I have searched the internet and I only see a single case of someone using Datacake but I don’t know where the problem comes from, I have tried adding Number(port) in javascript and I still get the same message.

I’ve never used datacake but are you following this procedure?

If so you just need to set Port to a value greater than 0.

Where did you add this? Javascript where?

Hi Liam, I trying on Tago and Postman, on Postman I used this

“confirmed”: false,
“fPort”: 1,
“data”: “0201”

And I got this
“code”: 3,
“message”: “Validation error: FPort must be between 1 - 255”,

You may try this
The string in data is in base64 format.

  "queueItem": {
    "confirmed": false,
    "data": "ABCD",
    "fPort": 1,
    "isEncrypted": false,
    "isPending": false

Thanks a lot, It works!!