Version 4 - cant access ChirpStack app

I’ve just bit the bullet to do a fresh install of full ChirpStack OS V4.6.0 (RPi 3B, RAK 2243(=5), AU915) - i have been stuck on an early V4 without a simple upgrade path for a couple of years.

I have a relatively small number of devices so was planning to rejoin them all rather than mess around with database imports.

Everything appears to be working fine, Concerntratord is finding the gateway and I can see no obvious log errors, but the Chirpstack app will not open (‘Safari cant connect to the server’). I’ve followed the vanilla config instructions (I think).

Not sure where to look?

My assumption is it’s one of two issues: a networking issue or the ports already in use.

For the first one, test if you can ping/telnet the server from the computer you are using safari on.

For the second, restart Chirptack and monitor the logs for any errors.

It does ‘smell’ like one of those issues.

I’ve restarted several times (and done clean re-installs, and rebooted the router) and there’s nothing suspicious in the logs. I am accessing all the web-based config pages logs etc and node-red fine…it’s just the [ip]:8080 url that does not work. Following the link from the ‘applications’ tab does not create any entry in the log at all - likewise pinging 8080 doesn’t work.

So a bit stumped.

edit: I can ping port 8080 from the chirpstackOS diagnostic UI. so the issue has to be firewall related?

Mystery unsolved so I’ve had to roll back to my early V4. I’ll give it a go with another the next image version when that appears in case there’s a quirk in 4.6.0. (Are older images available anywhere?)

You could compile one from source I believe: Releases · chirpstack/chirpstack-gateway-os · GitHub

I can’t find any easy link though.

I know you reverted for now, but I am curious what you mean by this:

What is the “link in the applications tab” do you just mean trying to click into an application you have already created? Does it not bring you into the application?

Thanks for that. What I am referring to is the 4.6 chirpstack landing page has a tab/menu item labelled ‘applications’ which leads to a page showing icons for the ‘chirpstack’ and ‘node-red’ apps. Node-red opens fine, chirpstack leads nowhere.

That meant, I assume, to open the familiar [chirpstack]:8080 gui. I don’t mean application in the Lora jargon sense, the labels are possibly confusing.

I saw I could compile from source but that introduces more variables so I think i will wait for a bit. It’s a sunny day and I’ve missed a whole day of my solar pumps operating thanks to this!!

confirming that the next update, 4.6.1, works.

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