Where is my data in webui?

@brocaar @sharmila @nikospps

Whenever i send data from node i am getting this repsonse in webui.

But i am not sure which one is my data?

Can anyone please help me on this?


If you want to see the data you have to subscribe to the MQTT. I thinks that you can’t see data in the web

@fma @brocaar

oh ok.Yes mqtt i am getting data when i subscribe.

Sorry for novice question. what is the exact use of having live frame logs in webui?

Mostly debug I guess. You can see a lot of information about LoRa packets in the logs.

Hello @Praveen_Kumar_R…hope everything is ok!

If i understood,your question, you need to find, where you can see decrypted payload.

In Live Frames Logs, show PHYPayload, which in encrypted data. In mosquitto_subs (or using HTTP Integration), you take decrypted frame, base64 encoded, which you need to decode it.

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@fma @nikospps

Thanks for the quick reply.


I will walk through the url and understand.

Check @orne’s post, above my last one.

Hi Praveen,
You cant see your data in web page. You will get your data by mosquitto_sub
mosquitto_sub result will be something like below


Now you need to take the data field from above json string (“data”:“a2V5c18yMDE0LTA2LTE4IDE3OjM3OjU5Xw==”) and it is in base 64 encoded, so you need to use base 64 decoder to get the decoded original data.

The mosquitto_sub will give the data in decrypted format but it will b in base64 enoded.

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Yes i got same info just now.

Yes i am getting same json structure in my mosq_sub command.

one more clarification:

Are you server running locally or in aws or google like that ?

i am locally getting data, but not outside(server running in aws ubuntu instance)

I am running server locally.

Just try decoding your data which u got from mosquitto_sub by online base 64 decoder and check whether you got the exact data which u sent

ok thanks.Sure i will check now.

I am running server externally,but not receiving data.

Can anyone help me on this ?

scenario :

Gateway is near to me :

Server is running in aws ubuntu instance : 13.127.xx.xx

Note :
Packet forwarder is running perfectly.

Do i need to enter my gateway ip in server lora config files?

Thanks in Advance.

In packet forwarder in one of the configuration file you need to mention the server ip address and host(where your running loraserver , lorappserver)

But I am not sure. You can try once

Yes in packet forwarder already i have mentioned my server ip address like this in local_config file

/* Settings defined in global_conf will be overwritten by those in local_conf */
    "gateway_conf": {
        "gateway_ID": "B827EBFFFFC3XXXX", /* you must pick a unique 64b number for each gateway (represented by an hex string) */
		"server_address": "13.127.xx.xx", 
		"serv_port_up": 1700,
		"serv_port_down": 1700


Apart from these any other config files you are asking me to change?

No this only I told to change

@Praveen_Kumar_R, in packet forwarder, you can also edit global_conf file, as you did in your above post.
Except this, you have also to configurate lora-gateway-bridge.toml file, in order to send packages in IP address, where MQTT Broker is running.

oh ok. And some online decoder i have tried.After conversion result is empty.

this is my data which packet forwarder is forwarding


Do you receive this message in Mosquitto_subs?


yes i have done the changes in global config file also.

lora-gateway-bridge.toml the only change what i have done is giving user name and password as below.


username = loragw
password = loragwpassword

Anything else we need to change??

No i am not receiving the message in Mosquitto_subs,since it is an external server

But when i try with my local server i am getting the data

Message receiving in Lora Server is ok?