Would Gateway Mesh work with mobile gateways

For remote worker monitoring we may use a mix of static gateways (on masts) and mobile gateways (in vehicles). The static gateways provide general coverage, and the mobile gateways extend it outwards if crews need to quickly move to a new area, or inwards if a crew is working in an area with poor static gateway coverage such as thick woodland. Typically the mobile gateways have an LTE backhaul, but often this is unavailable, and it would be useful to either have them switch automatically from border to relay in case of loss of backhaul, or failing that have them always in relay mode.

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Interesting usecase.
May be the gateway can check its connection to ChirpStack.
If the connection is not available, then it sets itself to relay mode.

A feature request may be.

Thanks - I submitted a feature request.

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I think a better place would be to implement this on a kind of call-back script level. E.g. if wwan interface is up:

  • Stop ChirpStack Gateway Mesh - Relay
  • Start ChirpStack Gateway Mesh - Border

And in case of wwan down, the opposite. I don’t think that implementing this within the Mesh source-code would be the best place. This is very use-case specific, e.g. for other use-cases the above behavior might not be the right one.