How do I find my Gateway id?

I’m trying to repurpose a Sensecap M1 Lora Gateway from Seeedstudio as a Chirpstack Full instance.

While I’m, trying my best to set everything up, I’m failing in findindig how to discover the Gateway ID (EUI64) of the Gateway

if I run (as I read here - post is 5 years ago)

sudo gateway-id

I receive

could not read gateway_id

What do you mean by this, did you install Chirpstack Gateway OS Full Image onto the Sensecap, or are you trying a different installation?

I have installed it and I’m living the dream lol

If you go to the Chirpstack concentratord tab and look in the bottom right corner, does it show your gateway ID like in the photo here:

will check as soon as I’m back to the office.
Thanks in advance

Thanks it worked.
I had to enable it it was somehow not eanbled.
