Install ChirpStack Network Server and requirements on Raspberry Pi without using it as a Gateway

Hi guys,

I’m quite new to ChirpStack so pardon me if my question is very basic. I’m using the Dragino LG308 as a Gateway and running the ChirpStack Network Server successfully on my laptop, however, now I want to replace my laptop with a Raspberry Pi 4. In the documentation I only find this Getting started - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation, but this is either for running a full stack LoRaWAN on the Raspberry Pi or using Raspberry Pi as a gateway. How can I install/configure the Raspberry Pi to only be the Network Server? I appreciate all of your help and thanks in advance!

The “full stack” is suitable to install the NS on the Pi.
You are free to install gateway bridge on the gateway itself, or to use a “server instance”.
Hope this helps,

Hi Jerome!

Thank you for the fast response. I still don’t quite understand fully. So if I were to install the Chirpstack Gateway OS full image version, how can I disable the gateway functionality of this “full stack” and to only use my external Dragino Gateway? I really appreciate your help and thanks in advance!

The full stack won’t behave as a gateway “as it is”. So don’t worry about that.
It works like this:

The fact that a gateway agent is running on the RPI gives you the possibility to connect the packet forwarder of the gateway directly in UDP, but if you don’t use it, no pb.
Hope this helps,

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Thank you so much Jerome! I got it now!

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