I have the gateway that is receiveing lorawan frames which are meeting the DevEUI I cretaed for the sensor.
In other words, what I did was:
entered in the sensor and created new, custom, Device EUI, AppEUI and AppKey. I’m not using the one the product is sold with - this is something I learned long ago. [1]
My gateway is working, and I see the DevEUI giving me the Lorawan DEVEUI I specified in the sensor field, yet the sensor still says “Last seen: Never”
Have you gotten any uplinks from the device or only join-requests? Until the device uplinks once (not a join-request) it will remain ‘never seen’. Also it looks like this is a screenshot from the gateway frames, check if you are also receiving the uplinks in the device events. If it is remaining never seen you should check for any errors in the Chirpstack logs.
For your aside question, ideally every devEUI in the LoRaWAN space is unique, that way other networks don’t try to onboard your device thinking its one of theirs (they won’t be able to unless they have your appKey), making multiple networks send join accepts at once and increasing the chance of collisions. Using the manufacturers keys ensures uniqueness.
However if for whatever reason you don’t care about that, you can just use any hex number generator to create the keys, I like openSSL for this purpose.
As for my project, It was working when I finally turned it on today.
Possibly a full turn off / tun on of the sensor had make it popping up.
Thansk for all the rest of the answer, very useful.
Unfortunately I’m keeping on finding problems and issues as I’m re-entering in chirpstack after a project I did 1.5 years ago and I’m findign some differences comparingin to the versions I was using by then.
Also: I’m n00b lol
if you want to follow the list of issues come here
Just to add my previous comment that devEUIs should be unique. There are 18.4 quintillion possible devEUIs, so the chances your randomly generated devEUI will collide with one already being used, and that that devEUI is in use by a server with gateways close enough to you to receive your join-requests, is essentially zero. I can’t think of any real reason you should have concerns generating your own, besides that you are not strictly following the LoRaWAN specification.