I’m having trouble finding a list of supported or capable gateways. Anyone offer some guidance?
Please note that the Geolocation Server has been deprecated. You can now use the per-application LoRa Cloud integration: https://www.chirpstack.io/application-server/integrations/loracloud/.
In case you are looking for TDOA geolocation capable gateways: I have tested with the Cisco LoRa gateway and the Kerlink iBTS. Both provide the fine-timestamp feature. RSSI based geolocation will work with any gateway as will wifi and gnss based gelocation (for the latter two, you need to have a device which supports this, e.g. https://www.semtech.com/products/wireless-rf/lora-transceivers/lr1110).
Some of the Tektelic gateways also provide geolocation capabilities, but support has not been implemented yet (as their protocol is slightly different from the Kerlink and Cisco gateways).
Thanks for the info. Is there a specific search term I can look for other than TDOA for the gateways? Having trouble finding a US model other than the cisco unit which is priced pretty high.
Please note that geolocation capable gateways (when you are interested in TDOA based geolocation using the ‘fine-timestamp’) are more expensive because of the used chipset.
right… hoping for something less than the $2500 cisco…
I have now some iBTS gateways updated with latest KerOS and latest ChipStack Gateway Bridge.
I wonder if you can :
- share you lorad.json and lorafwd.json configuration files
- tell me how to set TLS (ca.crt file) with the iBTS Kerlink Gateway Bridge Gateway. In Fact, taking a look at the toml configuration file, it only proposes user and password option, nothing regarding the TLS configuration.
Thanks a lot,
I think the configuration of the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is off-topic as this is about which gateways support geolocation. Anyway to get you started, please find a full config example here: https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/.
Thanks fr this information.
I am able to connect the iBTS to the chirpstack following the steps provide into https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/
I want now to check that the Network Server is able to decode the Finestamp according to the AES key relatd to the gateway.
Using this script (from kerlink)
#checking parameters
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]];then
echo 'Usage : ./etime_dec.sh <etime value> <AES 128-ecb-key>'
# OpenSSL decyphering (convert from base64 to decimal, decypher, convert from bin to hex, remove trailing '0'
RESULT=$(echo -n $ETIMEFIELD | base64 -d | openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -K $AESKEY -nopad | xxd -u -p | sed 's/^0\+/0x/')
# Display data
echo "etime decyphered = $RESULT"
echo -n "etime real value = "
printf "%d / 10^9 / 2^5\n" $RESULT | bc -l
with the
AESKEy provided by Kerlink, and
ETIMEFIELD comes from the json provided by application server (encryptedNS key)
“gatewayID”: “cnb/AC4HAms=”,
“time”: “2020-11-17T13:26:45.234780Z”,
“timeSinceGPSEpoch”: null,
“rssi”: -66,
“loRaSNR”: 14,
“channel”: 5,
“rfChain”: 0,
“board”: 21,
“antenna”: 0,
“location”: {
“latitude”: !!!,
“longitude”: !!!,
“altitude”: 260,
“source”: “UNKNOWN”,
“accuracy”: 0
“fineTimestampType”: “ENCRYPTED”,
“encryptedFineTimestamp”: {
“aesKeyIndex”: 0,
“encryptedNS”: “65EGqvNJ/PaaLVC7GrmMIg==”,
“fpgaID”: null
“context”: “C499XA==”,
“uplinkID”: “44iaSgU2Qtiki0ZRcRZG9g==”,
“crcStatus”: “CRC_OK”
I am able to verify the AESKey.
My questions are the following :
- how to configure Chirpstack to get the fineTimestmp decoded with nanosecond resolution ?
In the Gateway configuration, I have updated
Board #0 configuration
(I don’t know if this is very usefull …)
Fine-timestamp decryption key
provided by Kerlink, the same that I have used to validate the script from Kerlink.
What about MSB / LSB / Hex String / Hex Array ???
How to validate that the Chripstack NEtwork Server as been able to decipher the finestamp ?
In fact, according to https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-api/blob/master/protobuf/gw/gw.proto
enum FineTimestampType {
// No fine-timestamp available.
NONE = 0;
// Encrypted fine-timestamp.
// Plain fine-timestamp.
PLAIN = 2;
I am not sure that a DECIPHER key is updated in the json data.
Note that I have also try to send finestamps in plain normally deciphered by the iBTS itself as explained by Kerlink (for debug purpose only):
To activate deciphering from the gateway, edit the frequency plan (in `/user/etc/lorad/` ):
* `“aes_key”: “00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF”,`
* `“fine_timestamp_decrypt_enable”: true,`
Thanks for your support.
Dan, I have the same question, did you find a less expensive but quality outdoor TDOA GW for geolocation?